Sticking Your 3-Cents In
The post office has been bleeding red ink for many, many years now…and effective later this month you’ll be paying a little bit more to help the USPS dig out from the hole. A “temporary” 3-cent hike in first class postage will kick in on January 26, 2014. However, if you have some extra cash laying around, you can beat the price increase by purchasing a boatload of “Forever” stamps at the current 46-cent rate until the new rate takes effect on the 26th.
Women’s Interest in Pinterest
A new study by the Pew Research Center shows that fully 1/3 of all U.S. women use the social bookmarking service Pinterest. And since more than half of the U.S. electorate are women, perhaps this is something you and your campaign ought to look into…if you haven’t already.
Click here
6 Keys to Engaging Seniors Online
We all know that the 50+ age group votes in far higher percentages than the 18-35 crowd. However, we also know that seniors are nowhere near as plugged in online as the younger generation. This predicament challenges all marketing operations, not just campaigns…and here are 6 universal tips to getting more senior voters engaged with your campaign online.
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The Secret of Reagan’s Success
Ronald Reagan wasn’t called “The Great Communicator” for nothing. What made him so great? In large part his ability to tell stories that captured his audiences’ attention and made exactly the political point he wanted to make.
If you want to be a great political speaker on the campaign trail, learn all you can about how to become a great storyteller. Here’s a great place to start: “The Science of Storytelling: How Narrative Cuts through Distraction like Nothing Else” by Jonathan Gottschall.
Click here
Speaking of Guns
In a “fake” State of the Union address, a “virtual president” delivers a clear, powerful defense of gun rights to a pretend congressional audience. And if the gun issue is going to play in your campaign, and you’re looking for some rock-solid arguments in favor of expanding, not constricting, gun rights, you’ll get some great grist for your mill in this well-done, well-reasoned, well-delivered 7:25 minute video.
Click here
Don’t Use Another Image In Your Emails Without Reading This First!
“Images can be powerful to engage subscribers and get them to respond to your emails,” advises email service Aweber, “so we've got some tips to help you do it right.”
Click here
A tip for generating leads on Twitter
“On Twitter, your profile is what attracts followers. So your Twitter profile should include a proper description of your business, have the URL of your web site in the info section, and show a nice profile picture with a background that represents the business. These help make your brand distinct from others and adds to the lead generation potential of the profile.” (hat tip: Bob Bly)
Source: Chief Marketer, 12/13/13.
In January’s “Psephology Today”…
Phsephology (see-follow-gee) Today is the monthly membership newsletter packet for Winners Circle members. Here’s a snapshot of what’s covered in January’s issue, which is being mailed out today…
- THE issue every conservative campaign should be running on in 2014
- What You Can Learn from a “Mad Dog” Marine General
- 4 Ways to boost trust and credibility in your campaign among voters and donors
- Top 10 ways to say “Thank you”
- The “10,000 Hour Rule” and what it means to you when hiring campaign professionals
- Email Subject Lines that Work…and Don’t
- A quick tip related to communicating with voters on mobile devices
- 6 steps to starting conversations on LinkedIn
- A warning about campaign messaging: Urgent, Not Hysterical
- 7 Tips for Sharing Stories
- 12 Tips for Improving Donor Communications
- 6 Steps to Improving Online Giving
- Forget Traditional TV Ads, Think Online Video!
Reminder: The next Winners Circle “Call-in Day,” where you can call in and brainstorm any aspects of your campaign with me one-on-one, will be next Tuesday, January 7.
Click here for more information on how to get a two-month trial subscription for only $1.
Famous Last Words
***7 rules to live by***
1-Always say less than necessary.
2-Guard your reputation with your life.
3-Make people come to you.
4-Do not offend the wrong person.
5-Disdain things you cannot have.
6-When asking for help, appeal to people's self-interest.
7-Win through your actions, never through argument.
– Robert Greene, “The 48 Laws of Power”