AI (artificial intelligence) is all the rage these days. And with good reason.
The game-changing technology is on par with Al Gore’s invention of the Internet, smart phones, and social media. Probably more so.
Many are scared to death of it. Don’t be. Embrace it. It’s coming whether you like it or not. And those who ignore it – including in politics and fundraising – are gonna be left in the dust.
I am a bona fide, card-carrying techno-troglodyte. Have never been accused of being an “early adopter.” But not this time.
I spent last week at a 3-day AI marketing training summit put on by Perry Belcher, who’s been way ahead of the curve on this. I wrote about his AI presentation at the Traffic & Conversion Conference two years ago.
The possibilities are absolutely mind-blowing. Candidates and political consultants who blow this off are going to be competing at a serious disadvantage – probably starting this election cycle.
So don’t wait!
But where to begin?
If you’re like me and not very tech savvy, don’t worry. It’s not as difficult as you think. You just need some basics for beginners.
And after researching a number of YouTube instructional videos, I found one that was exactly what folks such as us need:
Looking for an almost “unfair advantage” on your opponents or competition? This is it. Don’t snooze. You’ll lose.
I’ll have a far more detailed report on how to use this technology in campaigns in May’s issue of Psephology Today. If you’re not yet a subscriber, click here.
“Artificial intelligence is one of the most profound things we're working on as humanity. It is more profound than fire or electricity.” – Google’s Sundar Pichai, 2020