No matter how much you know, you can ALWAYS learn more.
Which is why I’m in San Diego this week (tough life!) attending the Traffic & Conversion marketing conference. And of the 100+ breakout sessions being held, I’ve been singularly focused on workshops about selling from the stage…
Because that’s exactly what YOU are doing every time you make a live or virtual presentation about your campaign or organization. You’re “selling” people on the idea of voting for you, donating to you or volunteering to help on your campaign.
And I’ll have a full report on all the “hot tips” I’m learning at T&C in the next issue of Psephology Today, but here’s one quick tip to tie you over from Alex Morton…
“People can smell B.S. a million miles away. Just be YOU. You’re already good enough.”
This is especially true for political candidates. Too often they come off as something they’re not. Totally phony. And often condescending, as well.
Don’t try to be Trump. Or Reagan. And especially not Biden! You…be…you.
I did jump into one non-stage-selling workshop only because Perry Belcher was giving it. And if you know Perry, he is ALWAYS entertaining, in addition to providing great marketing ideas and tips. His session was titled…
“Copywriting with Robots: How to Leverage A.I. to Boost You Offer Conversions, Email Performance & Skyrocket Content Engagement Faster & Easier than Ever.”
Now, I don’t know anything about “artificial intelligence.” And being a card-carrying techno-troglodyte late-adopter, I normally wouldn’t have given this topic a second look. But again, Perry Belcher was giving it, so I hopped in.
And boy, am I glad I did! Absolutely mind-blowing. And in many ways, a little bit frightening…especially if you think Skynet (Terminator movies) might be more of a prediction than fiction.
Anyway, if you’re interested in how to write better blog posts, better bios, better social media posts, better fundraising letters and better issue statements (especially if you don’t consider yourself a very good writer) using a half-dozen new Internet tools you’ve probably never heard of…
You are DEFINITELY gonna want to read my report on Perry’s presentation – either in the next Psephology Today (should go out next week) or in a separate special report I’m going to mail to subscribers.
Seriously. This is a potential game-changer for your campaign or organization. Or even your business. You do NOT want to miss it.
OK, gotta go. Snoop Dog was supposed to give the keynote address today but came down with COVID. So one of my favorite basketball players of all time is coming in to “sub” for him…Magic Johnson. And I DON'T want to miss THAT.