If you’re losing sleep over social media and letters-to-the-editor trolls sniping at you, let me ask you this question…
When was the last time you heard anything about the Will Smith/Chris Rock “Slap Heard Round the World”?
I mean, it wasn’t that long ago; just three months. It was ALL OVER the news. It was all anyone anywhere in the country was talking about. And now? All but forgotten.
Americans have short memories. They make a big deal over something…and then move on to the next big thing.
Now think about those hate-filled comments on your Twitter, Facebook, email and other social media outlets.
Sure, they irritate you. Sure, they make you see red. Sure, they make your blood boil.
But are they really making a difference in your race? Are scores and scores of undecided voters really reading them and taking them to heart? Will they really make any real difference four long months from now on Election Day?
In my experience, the worst trolls often have fewer than 100 followers. Some actually have NONE. They’re bringing a knife to a gunfight. So why get your tighty-whities in a twist?
Now here’s the good news…
If you’re not getting sniped at by trolls, that means you’re not really making much of an impact in the public square.
As the saying goes: “If you’re not catching flak, you’re not over the target.” People generally don’t attack non-threats. They let sleeping dogs lie.
Now, I’m not saying to ignore all attacks. I’m saying keep things in perspective. If it’s just minor sniping by people with no real audience…ignore them.
All they’re trying to do it get under your skin; hoping you’ll lash out and make a mistake by publishing something that’ll come back to bite you in the arse.
Don’t fall for it. Sleep easy. You’re obviously irritating THEM far more than they’re irritating YOU.
Would You Do Me a Small Favor?
Over the past few weeks, I’ve executed a major realignment in my priorities. I’ve stopped publishing my Nevada political newsletter that I’ve been writing for over 25 years to dedicate almost 100% of my time on developing new campaign training and support programs for YOU.
But rather than focus all my time on giving you what I *think* you NEED, I want to focus attention on specifically what you WANT.
So would you please fill out this short Survey Monkey questionnaire and “tell the doctor where it hurts”?
It’ll only take you five minutes and is completely anonymous. You don’t have to give your name or email address. I just want your feedback to help me help you better.
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