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Thank you to everyone who responded to my Survey Monkey questionnaire on what challenges are vexing you most in your campaign or organization.
The #1 problem? Fundraising. The #2 problem? Fundraising. The #3 problem? Fundraising.
And to paraphrase one of my mentors, Dan Kennedy: “Fundraising isn’t something you learn; it’s something you do.”
But you have to learn it first. Then implement with a vengeance.
I can help you with the first part. But the second part is on you. If you REALLY want to excel in raising the money you need, you have to take what you learn and actually DO something with it.
Now, based on your survey responses, here’s what I’m going to do…
- Before the summer is out, I will be launching a full-day “Fundraising Boot Camp” as a companion to the “Campaign Boot Camp.” It’ll focus on proven, time-tested strategies and techniques for you to raise more money from one-on-one solicitations, dialing-for-dollars, events and direct mail.
- Also before the summer is out, I’ll be launching a new “coaching” program that will not only include a new weekly “Fundraising Hot Tips” e-newsletter but will add opportunities for you to ask me specific questions about your specific situation in a private Facebook group and during monthly “call-in” days.
But you don’t want to wait. You need to raise money NOW, right? So let’s get the ball rolling…
First, for many people just starting out the very thought of asking strangers for money causes them to break out in a cold sweat. Been there; done that.
The problem isn’t so much the amount of money you’re asking for, but the simple act of asking…regardless of the amount. And I wrote a Special Report a couple years ago that’ll fix that problem…IF…you do it.
Go to:
Secondly, I actually started the “Fundraising Hot Tips” e-newsletter just before COVID hit and threw the world into a tailspin in early 2020. Under the circumstances, the project got put on the shelf. Now I’m dusting it off.
And since thousands of you have subscribed to Campaign Hot Tips since that stalled launch, you missed them. So I went into the archives and pulled out some of those initial Fundraising Hot Tips and complied them into quick 10-page Special Report.
It includes some great tips from some of the world’s top fundraising experts. Go to:
Look, nothing is more important to your campaign than fundraising. Without money you can’t do everything you need to do to win on Election Day. You can’t even keep the lights on.
So starting today, start thinking about fundraising. Every waking minute. Morning, noon and night. Make it your PRIORITY.
Never again say, “We can’t afford to do that.” Instead say, “We can’t afford NOT to do that, so how do we raise the money?”
Ladies and gentlemen…start your engines!