Nancy Bocskor is a nationally and internationally renowned speaker and expert on applied democracy. She has been a fundraiser for more than 100 Members of Congress and candidates, and has trained activists and leaders in all 50 states and more than 20 countries.
She is the author of the book Go Fish: How to Catch (and Keep) Contributors, a practical evidenced-based guide on how to ask for money, organize finance committees, and host profitable events for a successful political campaign.
Deeply committed to empowering aspiring leaders to run for office, Nancy has trained over one thousand veterans in fundraising through Veterans Campaign, as well as thousands of women through Running Start and the Yale Women’s Campaign School, among others.
Nancy is also a professor at George Washington University’s Graduate School of Political Management where she teaches both online and classroom fundraising courses.
Several years ago, I interviewed Nancy for my “House Call” series. But her advice is timeless. If you want to notch up your fundraising success, give it a listen. Click here
“I remind my clients that your heart is closer to your wallet than your brain. So I have to win over your heart if I’m going to encourage, inspire and persuade you to give a donation.” – Nancy Bocskor