OK, I have zero artistic ability or graphic art talent. ZERO.
I mean, I can’t even draw those stick figures to play “Hangman” with my kids.
And yet I designed this Norman Rockwell-esque Christmas-themed graphic for a friend who runs a pot-belly pig rescue ranch – which she can use on her website, in emails, on social media, as a holiday card, on t-shirts, coffee mugs, etc.
Not bad for a guy who flunked “Coloring Inside the Lines” in kindergarten!
Did I mention that it took me all of about 30 seconds to design it from scratch?
But since I’m in the political biz, I decided to try designing a similar graphic – but using the GOP’s elephant mascot instead – and make it look more like a cartoon. Here’s what I came up with…
And I’ve only scratched the surface. Wanna know how I did it?
AI (artificial intelligence).
To get started, I recommend you check out https://ideogram.ai. It’s simple and free. It’ll get your feet wet and have you dying to do more.
But the current beast for AI-generated graphics is https://www.midjourney.com.
There’s a free version. But I discovered that if a lot of people are using it when you are, you might not be able to get in. The good news is you can set up a paid account that starts at just ten bucks a month and you won’t get frozen out.
To use it, you’ll first have to open a free account at https://discord.com.
And if you’re a newbie like me, you’ll want to check out some video tutorials on YouTube for beginners. Click here to watch the one I used to get started.
It’s about an hour long, but after watching it I was able set up my accounts and produce the graphics above. The potential and capabilities are absolutely mind-blowing.
The hardest part is learning how to compose the “prompts” to get the program to generate the images you want. But here’s a “cheat”…
While you’re on the website, find images and designs along the lines of what you want to produce. Then copy THEIR prompt but customize it. Viola!
Believe me, if *I* can do this, anyone can.
And I’m telling you, if you and/or someone on your campaign doesn’t start learning and using AI you’re gonna be left in the dust.
You gotta start somewhere, sometime, somehow. There’s a first time for everything.
Like how Republicans first planted Old Glory on the moon…