(Chuck Muth) – One of the reasons so many people so loath communications from politicians, and especially their speeches, is that they’re SO boring.
Often verging on painful.
Seriously, should I ever find myself at another event featuring a “cattle call” of candidates delivering “me/me/me” two-minute stump speeches, I shall think I’ve died and gone to Hades.
But it’s actually very EASY for you to vastly improve your speeches – as well as campaign letters and emails, even if you’re not an accomplished or gifted writer or orator – just by doing two simple things:
1.) Talk about the audience and what’s important to THEM instead of talking about you and what’s important to you.
2.) Simply tell a good story. And it’s a piece of cake to tell a good story if the story is based on personal experience.
Lisa Cron, a storytelling expert and blogger, shares this tip…
“Make sure everything you express cuts to the point of your story and the essence of your cause. If a detail, a person or a quote doesn’t drive it home, cut it. Remember, a good story is life with the boring parts cut out.”
BONUS TIP: When reading newspaper, magazine or blog articles/columns, underline key ideas and quotes on issues…file them in an organized fashion…and then when it’s time to draft your speech, fundraising letter or mailer on that issue, pull out your file and just scan the highlighted/underlined parts to help build your message.
You will be absolutely AMAZED at how much time and trouble this will save you in developing campaign messages.