As promised, here is your FREE
“Playing Hardball: What You Can Learn from Lee Atwater”
special bonus report…

Dear Friend,
Who among us hasn’t had problems getting past Mr. Big’s secretary or assistant?
Getting in front of Mr. Big isn’t easy. If it was, everyone would do it.
But only by getting one-on-one, face-to-face meetings with Mr. Big will you likely have a shot at getting a big donation, so it’s more than worth the effort.
Don’t get discouraged. Get creative!
The fact is, it’s nowhere near as hard getting to important people as you think…once you know the SECRETS!
Secrets I’ve been using successfully for over 20 years now to raise, literally, millions of dollars in donations.
The Ultimate Fundraising Guide to Getting Past the Gatekeeper
Inside Secrets, Simple Tips and Proven Strategies for Getting Your Foot in the Door with the Most Hard-to-Reach Major Donors, CEOs, Celebrities & Political Big Shots

“Getting Past the Gatekeeper” is PERFECT for candidates, non-profit organizations and even private sector sales representatives trying to get their foot in the door with major donors, celebrities and corporate executives.
And once you do, the results will be absolutely AMAZING…
Example #1: Using the techniques in this book, I recently spent $478 on a major donor fundraising request to 20 “big shots” that resulted in over $8,000 in donations.
Example #2: Using the “gold foil” technique from the book,
I spent $43.28 and got back multiple donations of
$100 or more…including one for $5,000.
But that was nothing…
Example #3: Another fundraising request that cost me $63
to get my foot in the door resulted in – are you ready for it?
– a check for $30,00
This isn’t fluff or B.S. Believe me, these raw techniques and proven strategies WORK. And anybody can use them. But don’t take my word for it. Here’s what others are saying about “Getting Past the Gatekeeper”…
In the 121 pages of “Getting Past the Gatekeeper” you’ll discover…
- An important lesson from Charlie Sheen that’ll serve as the basis for every attempt you’ll ever make to “land the elephant”
- Other than basic contact information, the single most important piece of information you need to get from every person you want to establish a long-term relationship with
- The #1 best thing to ask someone to do before you ever ask them for a donation (this will not only get you more donations, but bigger ones, as well!)
- A powerful yet simple little psychological technique that practically FORCES people to say “yes” to you (learning this one little secret could literally be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars to you in extra donations!)
- How you can profit from a surprising discovery by a university professor’s experiment in sending Christmas cards to complete strangers
- What the Hare Krishnas and Veterans of Foreign Wars have in common…and what you can learn from them to dramatically boost your fundraising results
- A perfectly legal way to get almost anyone to have coffee with you…without ever leaving their office or ever meeting you in person
- A little used and largely unknown way to get your invitation or request in front of “Mr. Big” when using FedEx absolutely, positively isn’t good enough
- The #1 reason you want to be associated with a celebrity for your organization or campaign and why most celebrity endorsements or speaking gigs won’t cost you an arm and a leg
- Exactly where to look to find contact information for thousands of Hollywood celebrities The secret to getting a celebrity’s pain-in-the-butt agent to pass along your “petty” request or invitation to the star…including a word-for-word template letter you can use
- Why certain little-known laws often make booking political “celebrities” as keynote speakers cheaper (and better) than entertainment celebrities
- How to use a simple pair of Nike tennis shoes to “get your foot in the door” with just about anyone
How to use a simple little blog or website to boost your “gravitas” and open doors to some of the biggest newsmakers, policy makers and trouble-makers in the country - The 3 steps you need to follow to publish a killer blog post or story about a major public figure without ever writing a single word yourself (great for people who flunked Miss Nancy’s grammar class!)
- Why sending a letter or invitation card is the WORST thing you can send if you want to book a big-name speaker…and what to send instead
- The big mistake I made that caused a near-panic in inviting “America’s Toughest Sheriff” to speak at an event…and why we got him anyway!
- How to use a pair of tweezers and a bag of Chinese fortune cookies to get big-name speakers to keynote your event for free
- How to get “cross” with big-name speakers and donors in a way that’ll have them signing checks and autographs for you
- Why the ol’ “Samurai Statue” technique works so well…over and over and over again
- Why the ol’ “Rich & Seductive Chocolate Lovers” technique works so well…over and over and over again
- How to use the Lone Ranger, Flash Gordon, The Shadow, Buck Rogers and Sherlock Holmes to open almost any door to any person born before Kennedy was president (this one is so simple and so wonderful it’ll knock your socks off!)
- Where to find the “stars” to perform in the single most powerful kind of campaign or organizational video you can produce for potential high-dollar donors
- The most powerful word you can possibly put on the outside of your invitation that almost guarantees it’ll be opened immediately!
- Two simple great ways to get people who know people to persuade those people to work with you
- And so much more…
–> If you’ve ever had trouble getting an appointment with a high-dollar donor prospect or top corporate executive…
–> If you’ve ever wanted to get a high profile political figure to endorse your campaign or sign your fundraising letter but couldn’t get a return phone call…
–> If you’ve ever tried to get a big-name celebrity speaker to headline your event but never even got the courtesy of a response to your letter of invitation…
–> If you’ve ever been frustrated trying to reach a top newsworthy figure to do a story for your blog or small-time local newspaper, then…
I strongly urge you to read
“Getting Past the Gatekeeper”
Because once you know the secret formula, even a “nobody” can get themself on the phone with, or in front of, almost ANYBODY! Which could be worth tens, or even hundreds, of thousands of dollars in additional donations or sales to you!
Plus, there are two BONUS chapters that will help you raise even MORE money…
BONUS CHAPTER #1: “One-on-One Fundraising”
So what do you say or do once you get your foot in the door and get your sit-down with Mr. Big? This chapter explains…
- How to identify and find potential major donor prospects
- The 2 documents you need to prepare and have with you at your meeting and exactly what information MUST be included in them
- The REAL value of a “finance committee” (and it’s NOT to ask for money on your behalf!)
- The 8 types of people you need to look for to serve on your finance committee
- The 10 things you should look for about your prospect before your meeting (finding this information today is unbelievably simple)
- Exactly what to say and do once you get in front of Mr. Big
- The 1 thing you should always ask for at the end of your meeting if you really want to take your fundraising into the stratosphere
- Exactly what to say and do once you get in front of Mr. Big
BONUS CHAPTER #2: 17 Secrets to Direct Mail Fundraising
Done correctly, direct mail fundraising can raise you a boatload of money. On the other hand, if you screw it up…it can bankrupt your campaign or organization in a heartbeat!
In this chapter, you’ll discover the “inside secrets” from proven direct mail strategies that will fill your bank account instead of draining it, including…
- Where to find and how to choose the right mailing list
- Who should sign your letter (in many cases, it’s NOT you)
- A simple technique that will “lift” response for unknown candidates and organizations
- 5 simple techniques that will immediately “grab” your prospect’s attention and dramatically improve the odds of them reading your letter
- How to become a successful “copycat” of the masters without becoming a plagiarist
- Simple techniques that dramatically boost the chances of your letter or email actually getting opened
- The single, most important thing you need to write for every fundraising appeal (if you blow this, you’re doomed)
- The second single, most important thing you need to write for every fundraising appeal (if you leave this off, you leave money on the table!)
- How long your fundraising letter should be (know-nothing amateurs get this wrong EVERY time)
- The 5 most critical keys to writing body copy that people will actually read (and respond to), including 15 ready-to-use opening lines you can “swipe”
- 13 extremely valuable and proven tips on exactly how to design and layout your fundraising letter, including the size and style of your font
- Proven “closes” that cause people to write a check as soon as they finish reading your letter
- The document you need to include with every fundraising letter and the 5 elements that must be included on it
Don’t Wait… Get Started TODAY!
Every day you delay in using these tips and strategies is another day wasted in raising the money you need for your campaign or organization.
Why It’s Just $3
“Getting Past the Gatekeeper” is available on for $14.95 (plus shipping) and easily worth a hundred, if not a thousand times that investment. But here’s how and why you can get it for just three bucks…
I’m giving the book a facelift. Same content inside – just a new cover design and title. In the meantime, I still have a few dozen original copies in my office that I don’t want to go to waste.
And since I’ve already paid for these books, I’m willing to stick a FREE copy in the mail to you for nothing more than the cost of shipping via first-class mail…$3.
That’s less than the cost of a Happy Meal at McDonald’s!
Frankly, if you’re not willing to invest $3 for information that can help you raise THOUSANDS of dollars you never thought possible, then I’m afraid you’re not serious about fundraising and won’t use the techniques and strategies laid out in the book anyway.
Double Your Money Back Guarantee
Guarantee #1: f for ANY REASON you think the information in the book isn’t the best $3 you’ve ever spent on your campaign or organization, just shoot an email to and I’ll refund the entire $3…no questions asked…and you can keep the book.
Guarantee #2: After reading the book and actually USING the strategies and tips you’ll discover, if your fundraising results aren’t great (they will be!), I’ll refund DOUBLE your money. All I ask if you give ‘em a try. Fair enough?
Order NOW – Less Than 100 Copies are Available at This Special Low Price
Again, once the original copies I have in my office are gone, the only way to get “Getting Past the Gatekeeper” will be to order from for the retail price of $14.95 (plus shipping).
First come. First served. Until there are no more left on my shelf!
To get your copy of “Getting Past the Gatekeeper” RISK FREE for just $3, pull your credit card out of your pocket and click on the “Add to Cart” button below.
And prepare to put the FUN back into your fundraising!
All the best,
Dr. Chuck Muth, PsD
Professor of Psephology
Yes! I want it . . .
Please send me my FREE copy of “Getting Past the Gatekeeper.”
I understand all I’ll pay is $3 for the shipping cost. And that even that small investment is unconditionally GUARANTEED.
I also understand that there are less than 100 copies available for this special offer and once they’re gone I’ll have to pay to the full retail price at
Just click on the “Add to Cart” link below…